The Characteristics and Ill-Effects of Mangal Dosha
A lot have been said and written by Mangal Dosha which has been defined as an astrological drawback. Mangal is referred to the planet Mars in the Sanskrit language. Mangal Dosha arises when the fiery planet Mars sits in any of the six houses i.e. in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house of a person’s horoscope chart. If you are unaware of the characteristics and ill-effects of Magal Dosha then you must read the following piece of information to brush up your knowledge about it.

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Mangal Dosh can be denoted by various characteristics some of which has been listed below:
1. Both men and women can have mangal dosh.
2. It is believed that those who suffer from Mangal Dosh are said to be hot tempered and aggressive by nature which symbolizes willpower and confidence.
3. Mangal Dosha causes a delay in marriage.
4. It is observed that in some cases the Mangliks are victimized in marriage.
5. It is believed that those who mistreated their partner in the previous birth will have this dosha.
6. The marriage between two Mangaliks also negates the ill-effects.
7. Mangal Dosha also affects mentally which causes tension and discord in the marriage.
8. Mangal Dosha gives birth to negativity which leads to intolerance, competition, argument, conflict, dominion and finally disaster.
9. Those who suffer from Mangal Dosha are said to hoard lots of energy in them. Their dynamic energy needs to be constructively channelized, or else it becomes destructive.
10. If a person is born on Tuesday the ill-effects of Mangal Dosha is nullified.
11. Marriage between the two Mangliks breaks the curse of marriage.

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The ill-effects of Mangal Dosha
There are many ill-effects of Mangal Dosha that befall on a person when the planet Mars is sitting in the following six houses:
1. If the Mars is in the first house then it may lead to conflicts and violence in marriage.
2. When the Mars sits in the second house it affects the whole family causing discord in marriage and hurdles in professional life.
3. When the planet Mars resides in the fourth house, the person fails to succeed on the professional front, switching jobs.
4. When it is in the seventh house, the excess energy within the Manglik makes him or her short tempered. Also, the cordial relationship with the family members is impossible among when the Mars is in the seventh house, the excess energy within makes the person ill-tempered. Cordial relationship with family members is almost impossible because of the dominating nature of the person.
5. When the Mars makes its home in the eight house, being alienated from elders, the person loses the paternal property.
6. When the planet Mars enters the tenth house, the person suffers from mental problems and faces financial loss besides having enemies.